Puzzle Pirates
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Audioscience is senior officer of Siren's Song and a member of the flag Illium Eternae on the Sage Ocean.

Contributions and Awards / Contributions and Accomplishments[]

  • Former captain and founder of Numinous Nouns and princess of Hell's Wrath
  • Former senior officer and founding pirate of Sirens and Masters
  • Former senior officer of Irish Rogues
  • Former senior officer of Siren's Song
  • Former fleet officer of Master and Commander


Young Audioscience started her pirate career on the Midnight Ocean. After a two year hiatus, Audio landed on Lincoln Island on Sage Ocean. After taunting the mates of Master and Commander, she finally became a fleet officer. After helping to found Sirens and Masters, Audio turned her skills to creating her own crew. Numinous Nouns was born among much discussion and use of mind altering substances. She spend her days keeping her first mate Seige under some semblance of control.

Audio's ever-expanding list of trophies is a testament to her high level of experience and success in blockades, skellie-hunting, and duty puzzling.
